Why It's Important to Keep Your Cannabis Plants Clean | LTD TRIMMING

Why exert more effort than necessary when trimming sticky cannabis? The trichomes and resin that make marijuana so appealing may work against you in this situation. You'll notice that as soon as you start diligently trimming your buds, your blades are getting stickier and less sharp.

You're not the only one who may be wondering, "Why do I have to clean them?" Even though it's not required, using Trimming Scissors Cannabis that hasn't been cleaned in a while puts your buds and potentially your future crop at risk of contracting dangerous molds and germs. Let's start by discussing how to maintain your scissors so that they last longer and cost you less money overall.


Even while some of the following guidance may seem like common sense, it will come in very handy during harvest.


You may have previously employed this procedure, for instance, on the door hinges or the bolt heads in your do-it-yourself garage. Oil is necessary for the functioning of metal. Still, why? Your blades will be lubricated and protected when you apply oil to them. In addition to facilitating a smooth cut that makes harvesting simpler, the protective function also guards against rust, which can form if you don't completely dry your Best Cannabis Bud Trimming Scissors after washing them with water.


The oldest trick known to man is this one. How can one prevent a single pair of cannabis trimming scissors from becoming overly sticky? Use multiple sets; it's that easy. When dealing with a big harvest or several different types, having this knowledge on hand is very beneficial. Extra shears that have been cleaned with rubbing alcohol between uses will substantially speed up the last step of your growing process (more on this later).

Remove additional resin

After reading this information, sticky Best Cannabis Bud Trimming Scissors could sound like a terrible choice, but believe us when we say it's not the case! Resin contains cannabinoids, which are what make sticky blades stick.

Consider the cleansing procedure as an opportunity to sample your goods before curing your taste buds rather of something to dread. By using a scalpel or other cutting tool to scrape the resin off the scissors, you can then soak them in rubbing alcohol to remove it. "Scissor hash" can be consumed right away or dried out and preserved for later use.

Tips for Keeping Cannabis Trimming Shears Clean

It's time to learn how to properly clean and preserve your pruning shears for the upcoming harvest after mastering the best ways to use them.


Alcohol of the highest caliber is the best cleanser and disinfectant available. The Trimming Scissors Cannabis should be scraped of its resin before being thoroughly immersed in rubbing alcohol. This is the most efficient procedure. This is why we advised buying many pairs of shears and giving them a 15–30 minute break between uses. This is the most effective approach to cutting your weed in terms of efficiency. Remove the Best Cannabis Bud Trimming Scissors and clean them with a paper towel after they have had time to cool.

2. An orange peeler

If you choose not to drink alcohol or find it difficult to obtain it, create your own substitute. The baking soda and coconut oil are combined in a bowl together with a natural citrus oil to create the citrus remover. You can clean up any remaining residue from your scissors with a cotton ball or piece of cloth. Citrus peel that is fresh will have the same result (the citrus oil in the peel is what aids in resin removal). After peeling or grating fruit, you can clean your peeler or grater with a cloth.

3. WITCH WOOD Vinegar

Another great cleaning solution is white vinegar, which is widely accessible in most homes. cutting shears Cannabis may be cleaned the same way that alcohol-damaged items are: Immerse the item in a cup of vinegar, and then use a clean towel to wash away any remaining residue. You might need to repeat the process because vinegar is less efficient than rubbing alcohol.


Although it isn't a cleaning technique in and of itself, it will make the methods above much easier to handle. Your scissors' resin will solidify and start to lift away from the blade if you freeze them. You'll observe how much easier it is to peel off the priceless trichomes once they have been frozen.


No way at all. You may know you've done a wonderful job growing your plants when your trimming scissors for cannabis become sticky. With joy, accept this tiny inconvenience.

Selecting the Tools You'll Use!

Getting your plants ready for harvest requires having the right tools at your disposal. Before investing in a set of trimming shears, it's critical to consider the following:

You'll be cutting continuously for a while. Make sure that using them won't cause any hand cramps.

Please be aware that there are many different sizes and shapes of blades. There are various kinds, including straight, curved, and non-stick.

Any seasoned trimmer will tell you that spring-loaded scissors are a lifesaver. They work well to relieve hand cramping.

The Best Cannabis Bud Trimming Scissors will develop a resin buildup and become sticky. The result is that the device works less well and needs to be cleaned more often. You should get at least two pairs because they frequently go missing. Coated-blade scissors are also a great investment. Alcohol won't be required to clean them.

Invest in a pair of scissors that have withstood the test of time to get the best value for your money.

Now that the fundamentals of trimming have been taught, let's look at five top-notch sets of shears.
