How Should My Bud Cutters Be Maintained? | LTD TRIMMING

How Should My Bud Cutters Be Maintained? | LTD TRIMMING

If you had to pick only one of these Trimming Scissors For Cannabis cultivation tools, which one would you consider to be the most important? One of the most underutilized tools for any marijuana grower is a pair of marijuana bud trimming scissors. Of course, you won't be able to benefit from your cannabis harvest without them.

Having access to a good set of trimming scissors is necessary, but so is maintaining them. In light of this, this article will cover everything you need to know to keep your bud-trimming shears in excellent condition. Your shiny trimming scissors' blades will melt unwanted plant debris including leaves, stems, and other parts of the plant.

The Value of Clean Weed Trimming Scissors  Maintenance.

A good worker never criticizes their tools, but after seeing the damage that a set of blunt pruning shears can do to delicate petals, you may reconsider not sharpening your own.

Pruning shears can easily become jammed with the unbelievable adhesive that grows on leaves, buds, and stems. Even if you are successful in completing the task, some growers are so eager to smoke their recently harvested buds that they forget about the resin-coated scissors they used and put them in a drawer or cupboard, where they gradually lose all of their value. What will occur during the upcoming harvest, even if it may not seem important right now?

When trimming back the buds you've spent months nurturing, keeping your marijuana bud trimming scissors clean ensures clean, precise cuts, which is very crucial. You don't want to lose tons of leaves, destroy your prized buds, or, worse yet, contaminate your subsequent harvest with harmful diseases.

What Sets Pruning Shears Apart From Standard Scissors?

Shears and Trimming Scissors For Cannabis There are some little differences between the two types of trimming scissors, but both have a crucial role in the cultivation of cannabis.

Shears for Reducing

The creation of trimming shears places a high priority on accuracy and sharpness. The blades are typically curved and taper to a point. The Cannabis Trimming Scissors rounded edges and curved blades fit tightly together to create a consistent shape.

By angling the blades at their tips, growers can harvest sugar leaves from within the flower buds.

Cutlery with Points for Pruning Back Vine

Standard scissors are fundamentally built differently from pruning shears. They are flat, as opposed to having curved blades, and the PVC handles have been swapped out for a plastic grip with a tactile thumb ring. Because of their small blades, pruning shears are the best tool to use when you need to swiftly cut a lot of plants without compromising accuracy.

Here Are 5 Tips For Keeping Your Pot Cutter Clean.

Conventional cleaning techniques are unsuccessful because of the sticky Trimming Scissors For Cannabis resin. Here are five tips for keeping your trimming shears in good condition and functional.

1. Abhorrent cold

The trimmers will resemble set pieces from a film about the demise of Trimming Scissors For Cannabis once the crop is harvested.

Place the blades in the freezer for a day for a thorough cleaning. The adhesive glue will freeze in the cold weather; after which, use a knife or scalpel to scrape the blades to remove the resin; but don't throw the resin away just yet!

By incorporating some leftover resin, often referred to as scissor hash, into your subsequent joint, you might give it a bit more punch. Scissor hash tastes good when combined with dried flowers.

Using alcohol to rub

A benefit of cannabis growing is having access to high-quality alcohol, one of the best cleaners available. Additionally to cleaning vaporizers and other smoking accessories, it also does a fantastic job of removing resin from sticky surfaces. Cannabis Trimming Scissors

Although it will take a lot of work and a thick cloth, the blades should sparkle after some rubbing. For 15 minutes, immerse the blades in rubbing alcohol to get rid of any stubborn buildup or nasty stains.


Clear Vinegar

This choice is the best if you're a frugal grower because white vinegar is a common household item. Use rubbing alcohol to clean the blades in the same way until they are pristine.

White vinegar isn't as good at removing resin as specialized cleaning products, so it can take several applications to get your scissors back to their former gleam.

Cleaning Orange Stains

Another natural remedy that is almost as effective as rubbing alcohol is citrus remover. Cannabis resin may be effortlessly removed by combining baking soda, coconut oil, and pure

citrus oil in a basin. Another choice is to quickly sharpen the blades using lemon peel (the citrus oil is in the peel).

Clothettes for cleaning

Wipes for cleaning are as easy to use and efficient as they are touted to be; they take little work and leave no residue. Any grocery store will carry wipes made for use with Cannabis Trimming Scissors, but a reputable grow shop is your best bet.


Maintenance of Shears for Cannabis Trimming

The aforementioned procedures will result in neatly manicured cannabis and spotless scissors. The only action left to take is to wait until the following harvest. That's not entirely correct, I see.

Oiling your scissors is a need if you want them to last a long time. When storing them, give them a brief machine oiling and store them somewhere cold, dark, and dry so they'll be ready to use when harvest time rolls around. Another ideal practice is to alternate between two sets of Cannabis Trimming Scissors to lessen resin buildup and make future cleaning easier.

Trimming shears are frequently disregarded, yet if not used carefully, they could make or break a harvest.

